No, I did not lose a kid.
The store, Migros, had a sale - 10% off everything - today. Being continually distracted by shiny things, I completely forgot until I ran there to get a substitute dinner for what I had planned. There were banners everywhere yelling 10% off to anyone with the attention span of a gnat. Like me! So I call the husband to tell him, just in case he needed to pick up anything from the Migros City, which prompts the big girl to start in.
Mama, I want a gipfeli (croissant).
I want french toast for lunch tomorrow.
Do I get to eat lunch tomorrow?
Can I have some fruit.
Are you listening to me?
I. want. a. sample.
Finally something easy that I can say yes to, a sample. I glance inside the sample case and see that it is cut up rustic bread with a piece of salami on top. Sure, no problem. I tell the girl there is salami on top of the bread because she is somewhat picky about her meat intake. Sure, whatever mom.
I am finishing up my convo with H about the sale when the girl says that she likes the sample and wants it in her snack bag for tomorrow. Only then do I take a good look at what they were giving out for samples.
It was salami, horse salami.
Eww. No way. I told the girl that she already had a gipfeli for her snack and I'd buy (a different kind) salami next week. shh.